2023-24 Americans in the EU General

Challenging Perspectives in the “Capital of Europe”: LGBTQ+ Discourse from East to West

As a Fulbright Schuman grant recipient in Brussels, Isobel Williamson spent the 2023-24 academic year conducting LGBTQ+ rights policy research with the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her research explores the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ Central and Eastern European migrants in Brussels to identify new avenues for the EU’s institutions to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights across […]

2021-22 Americans in the EU General

Vous êtes francophone?: Language in the heart of Europe

On a beautiful, sunny day in early May, I stepped out for some fresh air, an EU policy study tucked into my bag, and headed to the park to do some reading. As I sat trying to brush up on the regulations governing eCommerce and digital services, a group started playing frisbee on the lawn. […]

2021-22 Americans in the EU


When I arrived in Belgium for my Fulbright grant a few weeks before winter 2021 I was, about as literally as possible, a fish out of water. Upon getting my bearings and meeting locals I began to receive a common question: why did you choose Belgium? To this I had come up with a pithy […]

2017-18 Americans in the EU

Learning to be a Cultural Ambassador

As I approach the end of my Fulbright-Schuman experience and time in Brussels, I’ve been taking some time to reflect back on it. I applied for Fulbright knowing it would be a challenging and rewarding experience, but I have been surprised by what has been the hardest parts. The two main requirements of my grant […]

2016-17 Americans in the EU

A Brief Reflection on my Fulbright-Schuman Experience

My Fulbright-Schuman research project examines the labor market integration of refugees in select EU Member States. Broadly, my study looks at how private enterprise works with government agencies in facilitating refugees’ job readiness and labor market integration, whether through the direct hiring of refugees or through policy development (e.g., through influencing the development of vocational […]

2015-16 Americans in the EU

How to Have Super Powers

To everyone I have met who has asked, What is it like being a Fulbright-Schuman Scholar?, I have answered this way—it’s like having Super Powers. It’s an incredible feeling that is life changing. The Super Powers are intoxicating, and I feel these powers in my very core right now. It is everything you are while […]