
Fulbright-Schuman Scholar Publishes New Book on EU Counter-Terrorism Law

Dr. Cian Murphy, Director of Graduate Research Studies at the Dickson Poon School of Law in London, England, will travel to Washington, D.C. to perform advanced research in law as a Fulbright-Schuman Scholar at Georgetown University this February. His research takes place after the publishing of his new book, “EU Counter-Terrorism Law: Pre-emption & the Rule of Law” in June 2012 ( In the book, he provides an overview of EU counter-terrorism law, and a detailed critical examination of the key areas of EU policy: the EU ‘crime’ of terrorism, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist finance, targeted sanctions, data surveillance – including SWIFT, EU-US PNR Agreements and telecommunications surveillance, and the European Arrest Warrant and European Evidence Warrant. He concludes by looking to the future and the post-‘war on terror’ world.

His book has been met with a positive reception, including the following comments from David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation:

The large-scale terrorist attacks of 2001 (USA), 2004 (Spain) and 2005 (UK) helped harness the counter-terrorist efforts of EU Member States through the development of new institutions, legislation, policies and third country agreements.  Some of the new developments were of benefit to law enforcement more generally.  [Dr. Cian Murphy] expertly analyses the principal strands of the EU’s response criminalisation, measures against terrorist financing, targeted sanctions, data surveillance and European Warrants.  He also identifies and comments upon the profound challenges which the EU’s response, though bureaucratic rather than military in nature, poses to the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law.  Unique in its range and its depth, this is the essential guide to EU counter-terrorism law.


We are excited to welcome Dr. Cian Murphy to the Fulbright-Schuman community this spring!