2014-15 Europeans in the USA

The Effects of My Fulbright Schuman Experience


After my experience as a Fulbright-Schuman grantee at American University – Washington College of Law (AU-WCL), I edited a book (in English and Spanish), called “Protección Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Estados Humanos y Estado de Derecho.”

Also, I met a colleague and also a Fulbright grantee from Venezuela, prof. Juan Carlos Sainz-Borgo -whose grandfather was a Spanish colonel from the Republican Army os Spain who exiled himself in Venezuela after the end of the Spanish Civil War. We have both created and official EU 60 ECTS Master program in International Relations and Human Rights in between my home University, Alfonso X el Sabio, his University, The United Nations Upeace in Costa Rica and the Berg Institute for Human Rights. Is the only European Master Program in Spain taught in English. This innovative and extraordinary program, “Dynamics of conflict, cooperation and negotiation in International Relations and Diplomacy” counts 27 nationalities among professors and students.


Finally, with Juan Carlos and another colleague, we founded The Berg Institute for Human Rights in 2009 and we have implemented several programs working for peace and Human Rights in Europe, and Israel and Palestine. These programs -Human Rights in Context: Europe, and Human Rights in context: Israel-Palestine- became very prestigious among professionals and postgraduate students.

– Fulbright Schuman International Scholar researcher and professor Joaquín González Ibáñez