2021-22 Americans in the EU

The First Dispatch: notes from a Schuman semester spent primarily in Vienna

Overture: American words, European thoughts  “You enter a kind of altered, out of body state. I can’t explain it, probably no one can. You’ll get it after a few months. Good luck”. So said a friend and Fulbright alum to Asia in the 2010s after an impromptu pre-departure dis-orientation last summer as we hugged and […]

Americans in the EU

My Time with the Whales

Going from law to science and diplomacy, my Fulbright Schuman experience took me out of my comfort zone, challenged my leadership skills, and exposed me to some of the top marine mammal scientists in the world.

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Reflections on my Fulbright Schuman experience

In 2018, I found myself in the same position as many fellow Fulbright Scholar applicants: while I was already employed in a full-time job, I had an idea for an independent project that would add depth and perspective to my career. I work in the space sector, but at the time had limited experience with […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Fulbrighter Spotlight with Rosalee Wolfe

Rosalee Wolfe was a 2019-2020 Scholar in Greece and Germany. Now that she is settled back home in the US we organized a virtual meeting to interview her so she could share her experience with Fulbright. She shared some memorable moments, advice, and difficulties she had. Instead of a blogpost we decided to connect more […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Work as a Spiritual Adventure

“This might sound strange, but for me, work has been a type of spiritual adventure.” Paul Nihou, a Judge at the General Court of the European Union, was reflecting on his career to a group of Fulbright scholars and students at a recent visit to the European Court of Justice, and it resonated with me […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU EU-NATO Seminar

Report from the Field: The EU-NATO Seminar

When I found out I was a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee to the European Union in Spring 2019, I was beyond elated. Not only did I now have the chance to begin researching a topic that would expand my existing field experiences, but the Fulbright-Schuman Grant brought with it another opportunity: the EU-NATO Seminar in Luxembourg and […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Breaking the Bubble at Alcoa’s Sustainability Day

“We must account for them.” My co-presenter Laura and I turned away from our lunches to see an older man not so subtly gesturing his hand up and down in our direction. After seeing the look of confusion on my face, Laura laughed and said, “He’s talking about us – ‘the younger generation,’” signaling air […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Cardiff: UK Fulbright Forum

The Fulbright-Schuman program affords grantees the incredible opportunity to live and work in (up to) three different countries within the European Union during our 9-month grant. While this presents unique logistical challenges and the need to become an expert packer, those difficulties are more than balanced out by the benefits.

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Kiel: Germany’s Naval City

One of my favorite things to do after work in Kiel was to grab a share bike and cycle along the Kiel fiord. I loved seeing the cruise ships anchored in the harbor, the citizenry enjoying pleasant strolls along the Kiellinie, and students rowing or practicing water polo. Kiel bills itself as Europe’s “sailing city” […]

2019-20 Americans in the EU

Greece: Breaking Stereotypes

One of the unique aspects of the Fulbright Schuman fellowship is its stipulation that scholars divide their time between at least two European Union member states. I spent the first half of my fellowship in Kiel, Germany; and the second in Athens, Greece. Shortly before I left Kiel, one of my German friends warned me […]